Embracing Abundance: My Word of the Year

Happy new year! As I welcome in the new year and its new beginnings, I need to up my mindset game. Being unemployed has been a bit of an emotional roller coaster of late, one I’m ready to leave behind. I’m officially declaring 2024 as my year of ABUNDANCE. The universe can provide more than enough for me, and for everyone else, to get what we all truly want. There’s enough money/love/happiness/energy/opportunities/creativity for everyone. Embracing abundance instead of scarcity fosters collaboration rather than competition, and leads to more meaningful connections and shared successes. Everyone wins.

I know, I know, saying I’ll embrace abundance this year is the easy part. How am I actually going to embrace an abundant mindset?


First, believe. I need to believe in myself, that the universe will provide, and that I’m worthy of all the good things that will come my way. If I keep saying “I’m not
” or “I don’t know
” to the universe, that is what it will show me. When I feel the feelings of doubt and uncertainty creep in, I need to push them away and replace them with “Abundance flows to me effortlessly and abundantly.”


Another part of the abundance equation is gratitude. This means taking time each day to positively reflect on all the great things that already exist in my life, to focus on the things I do have rather than what I don’t have. Gratitude helps shift perspectives and attract more positive experiences into your life. You know, more of the good stuff, more of the joy.


Act as if you already have what you want. Fake it ‘til you make it. (Within reason, of course. Don’t break the bank trying to pay for a lifestyle you can’t afford
yet.)  If I can imagine myself achieving my goals and living a life of abundance, it can help align my thoughts and actions with my desired outcomes.

Set My Goals

Lastly, to manifest abundance in my life, I need to get clear what I want. If I don’t know what I want, how can the universe? Once I figure out my goals, I can break them down into smaller, achievable steps. So, what do I want?? What are the big, scary goals I want that are so big I’m afraid to say them out loud??

Transitioning from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset is a journey that will take time and practice. Don’t live your life afraid to make a mistake, instead view mistakes as opportunities for learning and growth.


Do you set a word for the upcoming year? If so, I’d love to hear more about it!

Joyfully yours, Robin

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